Helpful Links for Athletes

How do I prepare on race day? What should I eat? What kit is the best for me?

Athletes are always keen to do their best to improve their performances. They'll stick a lot of hard work into training and are always looking for that "edge" to be able to beat their competitors.

Sometimes this manifests in getting the latest shoes or gadgets - but a lot of this is about simple changes to get small gains, which will all add up in time.

Put simply, try to make sure when you look back on what you've done in the sport that you have "no regrets" about how you went about being the best you could be.

This page gives you links to information we feel would be individually useful for you, but remember there is no substitute for regular training and good recovery.

Check them out to see ways that might be able to make your training a bit better.

How to do a Dynamic Warm Up

Video Active Dynamic Warm Ups for Running - Dynamic Stretches.

Running Drills

Prior to training it is worth having a go at some running drills to work on your technique. Here are some examples you can try.

Video The BEST Running Drills for ATHLETES - learn how Top Athletes improve their Running Technique.

Pre-circuit Circuits

Ever wondered what you should be doing for your pre-circuit circuits (if you are set them by your coach). Wonder no more!

Video Pre-Circuit Circuits.

If you have any queries about anything to do with the system, your training or any other problems, please don't hesitate to e-mail us.