Momentum Sports Publications
Learn to Run: A Common Sense Beginner's Guide to Running Progression (2014)

Photo Learn to Run: A Common Sense Beginner's Guide to Running Progression (2014)
Credit Available to purchase on Amazon
Momentum Sports is very pleased to announce its first book. Learn to Run: A Common Sense Beginner's Guide to Running Progression brings together the shared 50 years of running and coaching experience of Richard Holt and Chris Hall to produce a practical guide for beginners to running.
Learn to Run covers a wide range of topics to help ease novices into their training, including advice on what equipment to buy, how to progress training in a sustainable way, how to cope with injuries, and practical advice on nutrition.
It is available to buy on Amazon for £7.99/$10.99.
Topics covered by Learn to Run are:
- Why Start Running?
- Clothing and Equipment
- Planning Your Training
- The First Week
- The First Month
- Adapting Your Training Plan
- Warming Up, Cooling Down and Stretching
- Running Technique
- Specialist Help
- Recovery
- Nutrition and Supplements
- Lifestyle
- Psychology
- Race Day
- Screening
- Core and Circuit Training
- Injuries and Illness
- Joining a Club
- Training for the Older Athlete
Editorial Reviews
Richard Holt and Chris Hall bring over 50 years of running experience and coaching to their book, 'A Common Sense Beginner's Guide to Running'. And it shows. The book fits a niche in the instructional running book market as it is aimed at the newbie rather than the more experienced runner. It's designed to take the budding runner through all the steps needed to make them a runner. These steps include equipment and shoe choice, whether to compete and if so what's available, running technique, types of running workouts and relevant strength training, how to avoid injury, how to progress training and how to fuel your running.
John Shepherd, editor of ultra-FIT magazine and the author of seven books on sports and fitness and coach to international athletes.
As an international athlete, I know the importance of approaching my training in the correct way. This book provides the beginner runner with all they need to do this and the more experienced runner a checklist; thus those of all abilities can be sure that they have all they need in place to get the most out of our fabulous sport. Richard and Chris bring their expertise as coaches and experience as accomplished runners to the reader on every page.
Lucy Macalister, British International Marathon Runner