Race Preparation
The preparation for competitions is different for each individual, but the same basic struture can be applied to everyone.
Here's a brief checklist. If you follow this regularly it becomes a habit and you won't be surprised / knocked off course in the minutes / hours before races. It's important to feel comfortable with what you are doing, having a routine, particularly if you are someone who gets a little nervous when competing.
- Make sure you arrive in plenty of time, normally give yourself a little time to adjust to what may be new surroundings, time to check in and time to relax before warming up. In particular, allow enough time for travel if potential journey problems may occur (eg M25 travel!)
- Make sure you've eaten appropriately in the run up to the competition. We talk about this within the sports nutrition area.
- Be aware of the check in procedures and where you will need to be at what time, particularly if there is a call up room / location to be a bit of time before the event.
- Find out where and what facilities you have to warm up.
- Don't try anything new in the warm up. If you see someone else doing something cool don't copy them, but maybe try in training some time after the competition. Stick to what you know.
- Stay positive in the run up to the event - particularly prior to warm up on race day. Find something to take your mind off things
- Trust yourself and your training - you've worked hard and now it is time to show this work off!