Alanine for Running Improvements

We are all looking for an edge in our sport, this is one that might be beneficial, but the jury is still out.

Alanine is an amino acid, also known as beta-alanine, which may provide marginal benefits to runners. However, there are large individual variations in effect when taking it and it appears to benefit well-trained athletes less than those new to running.

It is believed to increase skeletal muscle carnosine concentrations which improves the buffering capacity of the body to reduce acidity and lactic acid during exercise. This can lengthen the period of time that anaerobic work can occur.

Others say that it is an easily digestible energy source, which can be consumed during long duration workouts and provide a significant proportion of the calories needed for exercise and hence prolong the period to fatigue (one study showed by 2.5%).

Photo Alanine might benefit less well-trained athletes more.

Currently there is the need for further investigation to prove its effectiveness in sports specific situations, as there are mixed results in studies. For example, a Belgian study did show that levels of carnosine were significantly increased in trained athletes’ calf muscles by taking the supplement, but that this didn't appear to show improvements in 400m times.

Currently, it would be advisable to be cautious about this supplement, as it is an area that needs lots more work just to convince athletes that there could be a benefit in taking the supplement.

The information here is written by athletics coaches who have read widely into the subject and not a sports nutritionist, so is about gearing your food and drink to the practicalities of running.

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