Group Training Sessions - Kingston

Expert Coaching from one of the strongest coaching teams in the UK.

Why Train with Momentum Sports?

  1. Expert Coaching from one of the strongest coaching teams in the UK
  2. Use of the track during training included
  3. Access to a coached S&C session on Wednesday evenings in the gym at the track
  4. Track night sports therapist support included
  5. Use of a free weights gym included (whenever the track is open)
  6. Use of the track to train outside the group setting at non-session times

About Training with Momentum Sports in Kingston

As well as running this website, we run a large and successful set of training groups at Kingsmeadow Athletics Track, Kingston-Upon-Thames, London KT1 3PB coaching athletes from all over south west London and northern Surrey.

Details of the track and Places Leisure, the company who run it, can be seen here.

Photo Momentum Sports training group

Our youngest athletes train with Kestrel Club, if you are looking for this please click the link.

For more senior athletes we have a large team of coaches, each with a successful group of athletes on a Tuesday and Thursday. Some of these groups (for the more elite athletes) also train on Saturdays. The groups have athletes of all standards from complete beginner up to international level, and training for all athletics and running events.

Photo Gym

We always welcome new members to our groups, of every age and standard, and we believe we have the knowledge and passion to take you to the next level with your sport. We love helping every individual athletes achieve their own goals, whatever they are.

We have access to the track Tues / Thurs evening and Sat / Sun mornings, as well as access to free weights whenever the track is open every day of the week. We have a coach present to assist from 6.45 - 8.45 on a Wednesday for those who would like to learn a bit more about lifting properly.

Why not try us out and see if you like it (the first couple of sessions are totally FREE - we are that confident you will love it!!)

If you have any question please drop us an email at

Coaching Groups

Performance Track Group - all events

Photo Richard Holt

Richard Holt's group contains many of the more elite senior track athletes we have at Momentum Sports, which includes Nicole Kendall, Sam Ige, Kira Holt, Ruben Hedman, Jasmine Mitchell, Tom White, Marius Ball and Pippa Earley to name just a few and in the past has coached Phoebe Law, Scott Evans, Jack Dickson, Molly Renfer and Linda Staines. As well as Momentum Sport's head coach he also holds this position with Kingston & Poly athletics club. He as been coaching for over 20 years and was formally a 52.11 400m hurdler and National Finalist and more recently multi British Masters Champion.

His philosophy is to treat each athlete as an individual so all athletes have personalised training, which is then brought into a co-operative relaxed, but hard working training environment. He works on the fundamentals first (technique and robustness for training), builds in the speed needed for an event and then adds the required endurance as necessary. This has seen excellent results over the years with National and International level performances across U17, U20, U23, Senior and Masters age groups.

Performance Multi-Events Group

Photo Mark Roberts

Momentum Sports multi-events squad is run by Mark Roberts. With over 30 years as an athlete and over 25 years as a speed and strength and conditioning coach , Mark brings a wealth of knowledge and experience for the multi events and the technical side of all the disciplines along with his physiology knowledge will ensure that the training is suitable and specific to each of his athletes.

Making sure that all his athletes improve by setting targets and achievable goals for each competitive season

Performance Junior Short Sprints Group

Photo Pat Logan

Pat Logan has done it all and now he is passing on that knowledge to lots of talented young sprinters. His group profile is generally athletes aged 14 to 18 who run at a good club or county level with the vast majority of his group running PBs year on year. Speed is a key element of his coaching and a focus on detail. He is also very strong on the sports psychology side of the sport.

He started as a marathon runners in his mid-twenties, before deciding that sprinting was more his cup of tea. He has won numerous medals at Masters level at National and International level. In 2013 he became the World Masters 100m Champions for the M50 age group.

Performance Junior Long Sprints and Hurdles Group

Harry is a relatively new coach, but comes to the role both from his university background in sports science and his experience as a 400m runner.

He has a great knowledge of the sports and has quickly built a strong rappour with his athletes and we are very excited about how they progress in the coming season.

Performance Junior Middle Distance Group

Photo Vanessa Hammett

Vanessa Hammett's group has many excitingly talented youngster who have excelled at County level and beyond and works on the philosophy of developing skills and habits for long term success.

Her group have won countless County titles at U15, U17 and U20 level and is now the strongest it has ever been.

In the past she was a top level 400m hurdler and is also a qualified sports masseur, treating athletes from across all the Momentum Sport groups.

Adult Sprints Group

Photo Mary Dimbleby

Formerly an sprinter, Mary Dimbleby now coaches our more novice adult sprints group.

It is a fairly small group, which is perfect as she can dedicate a lot of time to improving the skills of her athletes, which she does with great expertise.

The adults in this group range from 21 upwards and Mary is able to assist both club level athletes and also total beginners.

Adult Distance Group (jointly coached)

Photo Phoebe Law

Phoebe Law has a huge number of accolades to her name. She has been British XC Champion, British U20 XC Champion and British U20 3000m Champion. She has represented her country at both senior and junior level at cross country and on the track.

She started her athletics with Richard Holt coaching her and has been a member of Kingston and Poly ever since, coaching for nearly a decade with both Kestrel Club and our more senior groups.

She is an invaluable member of our team because not only does she do lots of coaching for us, but she is also one of the key coaches working behind the scenes to ensure all our sessions run smoothly and that our online presence is everything it should be.

Photo Nicky Atkin

Nicky Atkins is an established Masters distance runner who has been competing for about 20 years and coaching for more than a decade.

She has achieved notable success on the track and over roads and cross-country and now helps a number of our longer distance runners to get the most from their running as well.

She will help you whether you are a total novice or a more experienced distance runner, having helped athletes who've never run before be able to complete marathons and at the other end of the spectrum assisting athletes running as fast as 17 to 18 minutes for 5k.

Development Middle Distance Group

Photo Richard Vassall

Another athlete turned coach, Richard Vassall ran under 3.50 for 1500m in his day and brings this experience to our novice juniors, who have progressed beyond the Kestrel Club at Kingston and Poly.

His young, dedicated group show what can be achieved by application with an experienced coach in a relaxed and fun atmosphere with athletes competing up to county level in the younger age groups.

Jumps Group

Photo Rhianna Reynolds

Rhianna has been coaching with us for about 6 years now, initially as a Kestrel Club coach, but now running her own group of jumpers.

She was a very successful jumper as a youngster, but has had a number of injury problems in recent years, which means she is now doing both coaching and competing.

She has competed in all four of the jumping events with PBs of 11.37 in the triple jump, 5.22 in the long jump, 1.80 in the pole vault and 1.59 in the high jump. She was a medalist in her age group for triple jump at both the England and South of England Championships in 2015.

She brings this experience of competition and also training with excellent coaches in the past, for example with John Shepherd, to her group and they benefit from all she's done in the sport.

Free Weights Gym

All athletes in any of these groups also have access to the gym at Kingsmeadow Track within their subs - any time that the track is open. There are some rules for this use of this based around athletes age and experience and for safety no athlete is to lift on their own. We would ask that all athletes attend one of our sessions with a coach present if they are not experienced lifters, so that can learn how to perform S&C exercises safely.

Photo Free Weights Gym


Photo Natasha Alfred

In addition to our coaches, we have sports therapy and massage on hand, provided by Natasha Alfred, which has proved to be very important in the reduction of both the numbers of injuries and also the shortening or rehab times when the do, unfortunately, occur. Natasha is both an experienced sports therapist and athlete, so is ideally placed to assist our athletes. Her degree was in sports rehab and she has been working with various groups of sports people ever since.

For full details, please see Sports Therapy and Massage Treatments

About the coaches in general

All of our coaches are UK:Athletics qualified and strive to achieve the most for all their athletes.

We believe we are good at what we do and do so as a career, so there is a charge ** (£225/quarter or £670/year) to be in the group and receive coaching specifically aimed at meeting your goals. This cost includes the use of the track as well as the coaching (if you did two sessions a week with no coaching at the track - this would actually work out more expensive!!)

Several of our coaches are full-time and all work very hard at their coaching away from the track meaning we have a lot of time to research all the latest techniques and liase with you to hopefully ensure that your training is as good as it can be. All athletes training with us benefit from online training diaries (apart from the youngest members, who won't have a need for one), regular appraisals of how training is going and regular technique sessions in addition to the 2-3 sessions a week at Kingsmeadow Athletics Track.

You are welcome to come along and train with us to try us out for a couple sessions before committing.

So, why not come and try it out? Contact if this is something that you might be interested in.

Elite Athletes (in or near the top 100 in their event on the track, or top 50 in the field, in the UK) are offered sponsorship to train with us at greatly reduced prices and get other benefits. You are welcome to join the Momentum Sports Academy. This is because we are always striving to improve the standard of athletics in the area. (These athletes will be asked for a much smaller fee primarily to contribute towards the cost of the use of the track.)

Here is a short video about the activities of Momentum Sports - we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.

Video Momentum Sports - Running and Athletics Coaching and Training Information for every athlete